Sooo...Me and my friends started on this 52 weeks-project, i.e. doing one photo every week for a whole year, with 52 different themes. Every Sunday we will post the result somewhere. This is to develop a bit, like not being stuck capturing the same stuff week after week. So far I think we came up with 36 themes or so, starting point for the first seven ones will be: the deathly sins. Here's my first sin, vanity:
Pout pout pout. Now, it was really rather tricky to draw lines across your body like that, they were very uneven and my skin started itching like crazy after a while. I have no idea whether underneath the eyebrow is a good place for inserting some botox (when I watched "Filip & Fredrik" last night they did it above and I was like fuuuck!!!) The photo goes in a violet/purple tone because, according to wikipedia, that's the color of Vanity. (Ms Sroka really fucked up my brain with all this hidden analysis stuff last year... Colorthemes,woo.)(Double-parantheses: I even used purple watercolor to draw with,now that obviously doesn't show but STILL. Credit.) And well,that's a wrap for week one. Stay tuned ladies and gentlemen!
Un projet et 52 semaines. | |
#1 - - flippo:


i'll do better next time!!!!!!!!!!11 love it!!! what's the sin for next week and yes, since you're writing in english it comes automatically

#2 - - linnea/chessclub:

flizpr: <31!! nästa vecka kör vi gluttony,vad det nu heter på svenska,när man äter massa??FROSSERI,så ja (var tvungen att wikipedia det där, I admit.)

#3 - - LP:

DU lilla fröken, jag börj som på ångra me lite, om erbjudandet om att joina utmaningen fortfarande finns kvar så int jär de nå dålit int!!!(dvs challange accepted!) insåg att jag måst som också börj på variere me lit såm du säg. MENSÅKLART om erbjudandet inte står kvar så gör jag en egen utmaning med mig själv så int gör de nåt hell!SO, yesno/noyes?:D:D

ANDBTWFUCKINGAWESOMEBILD. ja jär int så bra på synderna, järe högmod??

#4 - - frida sjö:

fan va kuuul!! :D

#5 - - Milla:

wow, I loved this picture, think you captured vanity real good! is there a place where we can se what your other friends have done?

/ thank you so much, you just made my day ;)

#6 - - linnea/chessclub:

LP: jaaaaaa:D.:D:DDd he jär högmode and you're now in it!woop woop,har ett fullt fungerande project!x

Milla: thank you love!!unfortunately,there's still no place for documentation of the whole thing, we're considering a flickr-page/blog etc. but first of all we'll see whether we keep the work up or just let it like... go. I'll let you know!x

#7 - - christoffer:

åh, tack så mycket!

då kan jag passa på att säga att jag tycker hemskt mycket om paris-bilderna nedan!

skulle vara ganska så najs att vara där typ nu.

#8 - - lepee:

(((förresten så är det på den här bloggen jag postar sakerna, barasåattduvet)))

#9 - - flippo:

vadå är LP med nu åsså? : ) tjoho!!!

#10 - - Anna:

whaaa vad kul! love it!
